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Coffee painting

Coffee painting 

Have you ever thought that the coffee you drink every morning could turn into art? Coffee paintings are the prove. In this last last few years the interest from artists, collectors and art lovers has increased significantly in this coffee creations. Coffee painting is an extremely easy and enjoyable process of expressing your creativity on paper. This type of art may be monochromatic, which involves working with only one color, but its potential for art is limitless.
The technique
Coffee, water, brushes, pencil and watercolor paper is all you need to start your coffee drawing. The next steps may have differences between various coffee artists but the basic technique is similar for all of them. 
First thing to do is coffee preparation, this can be either an instant solution mixed with water or a dense paste that will have similar texture to watercolors. After that is time to sketch the subject of your artwork on paper and finally start painting with the brushes and coffee. Depending on what texture and color you want to get in your final result you can change the coffee/water ratio to achieve a lighter or richer color. Darker hues will require less water than the lighter shades.
Black coffee


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